Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Week 13 - Second Half Deck Of Cards

Craft: To create the second half of the deck I used the same process that I used for the first half of the deck that I posted for week 12. To create these cards I began using InDesign. I used the master pages, guides, rulers, ellipse tool, the rectangle tool, the line segment tool, and the place tool.

Composition and Concept:
To create these cards I first created them all for the A master. After that I duplicated them 3 times and I based the 3 duplicates off the other 3 masters. I did like this because while I was playing around with InDesign I found that if I did it this way I could simply place the player with a different color and it would be placed in the exact same location. The only difference with the second half of the deck was the black cards. I did not create a Master for these cards, instead I just changed the color of the rectangle to black. To have all the 108 cards I just used the Duplicate tool to create all the cards that were needed.

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